First off, a huuuuuge thank you to
Second of all you should read her blog.
Not only did she make those cool badges on the donation page but you can see more examples of her work here (even more links below):
Here are the details of the incredibly generous donation gift:
Single Image Digital Design Service (3 available):
Your choice of one of the following custom designed images: website banner/header, avatar, or Twitter background
Fine Print: Guidelines, Requirements, and Expectations
- banner/header design may include a client supplied-logo, or may consist of clients choice of ready-made image and/or background with additional text/font of the client’s selection.
- client must provide specifications for required image format and size
- client must supply 3-5 “design ideas” consisting of color choices, font styles, and or general layout/tone ideas
- after the designer produces draft “mock-ups” of the image, the client will select 1-2 for further changes and revisions
- designer will complete no more than 3 rounds of revisions/changes based on clients requests and feedback
Brand Package Digital Design Service (1 available):
Includes ALL of the following custom designed images: logo, banner/header, avatar, and Twitter background (or additional image)
Fine Print: Guidelines, Requirements, and Expectations
- client must supply 3-5 ideas for logo, to include colors, images, tone, and/or logotype preferences
- after logo selection, the design of other images (banner/header, avatar, Twitter background or other image) will based on approved logo design
- client client must provide specifications for required formats and sizes for all images
- of draft “mock-ups,” client will select 2-3 for further revision and/or changes
- after the designer produces draft “mock-ups” of the images, the client will select 1-2 of each for further changes and revisions
- designer will complete no more than 3 rounds of revisions/changes of the images based on client’s direction and feedback
- designer will complete no more than 3 rounds of revisions/changes of other images ((banner/header, avatar, Twitter background or other image) on clients direction and feedback
Additional fine print for ALL design services:
- All images supplied to the designer should be owned by the client and/or in the public domain, with necessary considerations for fair use within commercial or non-profit projects.
- The designer assumes no risk for legality or ownership of supplied images.
- All communication with designer will take place via email.
- Font choices are subject to availability.
- Client should keep in mind that the designer has a full time job and other responsibilities and cannot assure immediate response, but I will do my best to ensure your satisfaction!
- Designer cannot help with tech issues regarding integration of final designs–I can’t help you upload, use, or otherwise integrate images into your existing web or social media designs.
- Upon approval, final deliverables will become property of the client, with full rights and responsibilities therein. The designer claims no ownership or usage rights of final approved images. Your designs and images will be yours to keep and use as you see fit.
About the Designer:
I have ten years of experience in digital image development in various applications as Photoshop, Illustrator, and various share/freeware applications. I do freelance web and image design for various companies, non-profits, and individuals. While I can’t link to my professional portfolio here (as I don’t want my super sexy, kinky onlinr identity linked to my real life professional persona, you can see various examples of my image manipulation and graphic design skills here:
- Snow White and the Seven Plugs
- “Badge” for Frisky Friday blog writer meme
- Banner design for My Dissolute Life
- Header design, avatar design, and Twitter profile background design for
- Random sample images: BDSM Clue, flying vibrator, fapping masturbation graph, orgasm barriers, submissive storage, inorgasmic grief icons, La Petit Mort “title card” design,